Bristol Community Project


Our Mission

Who We Are

The Town of Bristol Improvements Board started as a group of community members who were dedicated to engaging in local projects and supporting local initiatives. In 2019, the board formally organized and through the State of Colorado, registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. The primary mission of the board is to:

Improve the overall quality of life for the residents of the Town of Bristol, Colorado, through the development and oversight of historical preservation projects and other projects that meet community needs.

On Monday, June 6, 2022, the board hosted the official groundbreaking for their largest capital improvement project, a 2,800 square foot Bristol Senior-Community Center.

Bristol Community Projects Senior Community Center 1
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Statements About Us

our mission

Promote all improvements to the Town of Bristol, Colorado, to improve the overall quality of life for the residents of the town, through the development and oversight of historical preservation projects and other projects that meet community needs. This includes, but not limited to, capital improvements, general operating support, project and program support, historical preservation and memorial efforts.

our projects

Our largest capital improvement project is the Bristol Senior-Community Center, which broke ground in June, 2022. Through generous funding by our Community Partners we are in the completion process of 6 Historical Murals, a Wind Sculpture by Lyman Whitaker and a Veterans Memorial complementing of our soon to be completed Community Garden located at the Senior-Community Center.

our partners

The Bristol Community Project would not be able to have such a substantial impact without the generosity and overwhelming support of our Bristol community and our community partners who have pledged significant financial support, services and materials. We are a work in progress and happily encourage the visitor, whether remotely or in person to visit these ambitious projects. We are extremely grateful.


See Our Projects


Meet The Team

Amber Settles



Meet Our Partners


Our Leadership

The organization employs no staff and operates wholly on the generous support of a community core of volunteers. Board members contribute their time to fund raise, solicit in-kind donations, provide donated labor and materials, and engage community members to participate and volunteer. Additionally, a host of board members also serve to donate their time and expertise toward the successful completion of funding applications and grant proposal submissions. The Town of Bristol Improvements Board is comprised of Bristol residents who represent a diverse group of both families, individuals, and senior citizens. The Board seeks to develop a strong foundation for the town guided by the mission statement and the implementation of a long-term strategic improvement plan directed to yield broad ranging positive outcomes for the community of Bristol. The six member Town of Bristol Board are each life-long residents of the Bristol community and will be volunteering their time and labor toward successful completion of each improvement project. Other volunteer community members will be recruited to help with the construction and completion of this project. The Bristol Community is a diverse community with talented members who are willing to donate their time to community causes.

Prowers County


Tom Grasmick (R)

Director 1

Ron Cook (R)

District 2

Wendy Buxton-Andrade (R)

District 3